Day 7 St Mary, Triple Divide, spirit

small motel room
During Covid in 2020, spent seven weeks here. Originally planned on only two weeks.

When we have all our Glacier Cabin window blinds up, i told Cheryl it reminds me of our first home.

In 1985 we moved into a brand new 1,100 square-foot home with three bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen and great room. We also had an attached one-car garage where our washer and dryer sat.

We owned some pots and pans, clothes, and two directors chairs that we unofficially requisitioned from WSU.

We had no table, no furniture, no bed, no curtains.

It’s the no curtains part that this post is referencing.

At night with the lights on, you can’t see out, but anyone can see everything inside your home. Classic fishbowl reality.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Day 5 St Mary, Triple Divide, spirit

Humbly, i love that i never doctor or enhance any of my photos. Ever.

Want to blow your mind?

Want to have fun?

Want to grow beyond your wildest dreams?

Believe and practice things you (and most) don’t believe or practice, all day, everyday.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Day 4 St Mary, Triple Divide, spirit

peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich
From our honeymoon bicycle trip across Washington State. So grateful for a loaf of bread, a tub of peanut butter, and some leftover campfire marshmallows. Cut the marshmallows in half to make them ‘go twice as far’.

In everything give thanks.

So common that few hear it anymore.

And this reality inspires me to be an outlier.

In everything give thanks.

How can i not?

(Perhaps that is my only acceptable ‘impossible’: it is impossible for me to not give thanks in everything.)

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Day 3 St Mary, Triple Divide, spirit

Carrie Underwood song screenshot
Most people have a bunch of crazy dreams. God bless the dreamers.
two people at a trailhead
This hike is the most accessible and most beautiful.

Frequent flyers know the ropes better than infrequent flyers.

Frequent flyers make mistakes on their path to becoming an expert airline traveler.

This is generally true in any domain.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.