Once in a lifetime accommodation

Granite Park Chalet
Granite Park Chalet is just minutes away, after six hours on the trail.


Granite Park Chalet


Granite Park Chalet
Granite Park Chalet has three buildings (four if you count the toilet), 20 Guest rooms, staff rooms, a lobby, kitchen, and two small utility rooms behind the kitchen.


Granite Park Chalet
Highline Trail panorama.


Granite Park Chalet
Same panorama as above, just a little further West, and added color.


Granite Park Chalet
Miraculously, we encountered no smoke yesterday.



Granite Park Chalet
Sleeps four, so we each got our own bunk bed.


Granite Park Chalet
Door and a window, plus two chairs. And a mirror.



Granite Park Chalet
East side from our balcony.


Granite Park Chalet
Tried to nap but it didn’t work.


Granite Park Chalet
Also looking East.


Granite Park Chalet
Grinnell Glacier Overlook Trail. Tomorrow morning’s hike.


Granite Park Chalet
Granite Park Chalet’s water source. It’s only a quarter mile walk.


Granite Park Chalet
Granite Park Chalet brief.


Granite Park Chalet
Granite Park Chalet has three main buildings.


Granite Park Chalet
Nothing says keep out quite like this. Intended for Bears.


Granite Park Chalet
We had room 7, second from right.


Granite Park Chalet



Granite Park Chalet
Remarkable views.


Granite Park Chalet
Cozy lobby and front desk.


Granite Park Chalet


Once in a lifetime accommodation.

• • • • •

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.