Wildly successful Church.
How cool is it when it happens?
Could i play an invisible, yet catalytic role in helping humanity .think .differently about everything?
Bold, heretical belief that i provide an option that doesn’t exist without me.
Meek, uninspired people never move humanity to a better place.
Only the crazy ones.
The outliers.
The misfits.
The ones crazy enough to think they can do something everyone considers impossible.
i get it.
It ain’t for everyone.
Why did God (the Universe, karma, the light, etc) provide such a unique life path to someone who had to bicycle 36 roundtrip miles a day to work at Disney? The same guy, newly married, living in a roach-infested dingy apartment complex, who didn’t own a single piece of furniture, let alone an old car.
To be able to walk or bicycle next door to this Church – to Dream, Create, and Inspire – this is a potential blessing.
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