Praying i can run again

This exact spot is the leading contender for my first week back to GNP. T-minus two weeks.

Been 11 months since the first retina tear repair surgery.

A few weeks after the first surgery, the retina re-tore and i had a second retina repair surgery.

And of course, months later a third eye surgery. The left-eye cataract surgery was radically accelerated by the steroid drops from the first two surgeries.

Presently trying to remain under-excited, to manage my expectations after three eye surgeries.

Had expected to be in Glacier three months last summer. The August and September eye surgeries shaved two months off of the 2023 plan.

To describe my excitement and gratitude for returning in 2024 is difficult.

It easily could sound like these things:

Off the charts.

Through the roof.

Best day ever.


However, 2024 is just another in a long number (12, maybe 13) of consecutive Glacier Summer visits.

Business as usual it’s often called.

Contextual note: Initially, last August before the first surgery, Dr. Kumar said i wouldn’t normally need cataract surgery for 10-15 years. But after his first retina repair, he said i would need cataract surgery (left eye only) in two years. Then, after a second emergency retina repair i immediately needed cataract surgery, following (hopefully) a healthy post-second-surgery recovery.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.