i love palm trees and sunshine. However, beaches to me are passive environments.
There’s a time and a place for a beach vacation.
Our first trip to Australia is not it.
We enjoy our location, 1.5 miles from the South Pacific. It’s an easy 30-minute walk from our apartment.
We’d enjoy it even more if it was winter here.
Summer’s in Florida can casually be called ‘brutally hot’.
With 40+ Florida summers under our belt, we know how to thrive in Florida summers. We’ve designed our home and our habits for thriving, all year long.
But in a place 15 time zones away, we have no systems or processes. No history. No comfort level. No expertise.
Everything here is new to us.
i have what i carried (from Orlando) in two small ‘kiddie backpacks’.
Our apartment, and it’s grounds, is not remotely close to being my two favorite places on our planet.
And yet here we are enjoying ourselves at a high level.
The Australian Summer’s temperature and sun exposure, in our new and temporary setting, reminds me what personal vibrancy requires…
Systems and processes to balance all five of life’s big choices.
The heartbeat of our Orlando home is Walt Disney World.
The energy. The quality. The vibrancy. The back porch. The front porch. The time-tested and time-honed structure and processes. The intimate knowledge of the floral and fauna, the intimate seasonal vibrations.
Life is good at the vacation capital of the world.
Life is good here too.
It’s just not home.
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