Dear Inspiration

Disney Institute insight on a public slide
This is what i labeled, many years ago at Disney Institute, a BFO, a blinding flash of the obvious.
Disney Institute insight on a public slide
Far too many words on a world-class slide. Count ‘em…46 words. The 45-minute keynote last week had 90 words. Btw, 33 words are on three final slides, photos of three Walt Disney quotes, that’s 57 words for a 45-minutes speech, let alone a single Disney Institute slide with 46 words

Dear inspiration, thank you for being everywhere i look.


It’s as easy to be inspired as it is to be uninspired. Both are simply repetitive, habitual thinking. One works for you, one defeats you.

You must find a million ways to get and stay motivated. If you don’t you default to finding a million ways to be uninspired.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.