The hard work, spiritually

Deep Time Walk app
This may blow my mind.

Son, you owe GNP two returns after mom and i die. Both are easily transportable. Both are at least a 1,000 meters walk in age.


Earth may be on a course to eradicate ‘a human infestation’.

Perhaps humans, to Earth, are merely a locust swarm, devouring everything in sight.

On the 4,600-meter long walk, one-meter represents one-million years.

So the past 100 year Industrial Revolution is a blink of an eye. or maybe a half-blink. it’s nothing.

Earth will easily overcome whatever damage humans create.

Climate control is a helpful plan to prove to the Universe that humans are worthy of earth’s cosmic stewardship, or at least the illusion of stewardship.

The closer you get to the far end of your years, the closer you get to the wisdom of the cosmos…

The only significance we can actualize is the quality of our present moment.

If we can string together enough wonderful present moments, perhaps we are like the caterpillar that creates a cocoon and then becomes a butterfly for a short while.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.