Who doesn’t want a ‘peace’ of this?

4-second video: Yesterday, November 27, 2023.
5-second video: ‘Tis the season, from the front end of the main lobby.
Three adults in a Disney hotel lobby
Sporting the ‘cool-person’ sunglasses that the Doctor’s office gives you after your eyes are dilated. “Uncle” Mike always enjoys a special dose of Walt Disney World.

Lucky for me i’m incredibly at peace with who i am and content with what i have. The harder i work, the luckier i get.


Lucky to have God, Jesus, the Universe, Cheryl, and the present moment as my allies.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.