You want a piece of this?

Cable TV channel selection screen

A Savior is born.

Biblical jargon

Who doesn’t want a piece of eternal life?

Today, we are four days away from Christmas.

i am basking in the late afternoon (339pm) Florida Sun.

So hot i’ll be soon seeking refuge in the shade.

Shade is easy to find here, after a few decades.

The tiny one-gallon Live Oaks we planted are now strutting their stuff.

Normally, their “stuff” isn’t needed until Summer. And oh, look at that, today is the 2023 Winter Solstice.

Go figure.

It’s not a hot day, but in the Sun with zero breeze, it’s toasty on my face.

19-second video: Today is the shortest day of the year. A toasty, “first day of Winter” day, less than one mile from Walt Disney World.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.