Today’s spiritual post is (unintentionally) in the two photo’s comments above.
Copying and pasting both comment threads here for easier (larger font) reading:
Seth Godin fan. He’s smart. He works hard. He’s different. He’s trustworthy. After diving in a bit to create a Claude.ai account, i felt weird. Like, is this gonna take too much of my precious time to master? Then Seth’s post this morning confirmed my intuition. Look at how many apps (below) that Seth admits requires serious practice/usage.
Seth’s blog post this morning, recommending a bunch of apps he uses. Yesterday he recommended Claude.ai – so i went ‘all in’ and then caught myself asking, “How much time do you want to spend learning this at this stage of your business’s life cycle. The jury is still deliberating. Leaning toward less is more.
Happy present moment.
And, in 1960’s and 1970’s fashion, ‘Have a nice day’.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.