Much Will Be Required (Get Used To It, Or Step Aside)

Get used to it, that's all I can recommend.

Yesterday, an epiphany while writing that post. Preparing the Children’s Liturgy of the Word Homily once a month, from a distance, looks very doable. At seven minutes, it’s not a long speech.

But trying to make those seven minutes qualify as some of the most meaningful minutes in those precious children’s lives all week, is, well, overwhelming sometimes. But, I do it anyway, because much is required.

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But We Do It Anyway, How Could We Not?

Cheryl Does Everything Except The Homily
Children's Liturgy Once A Month

Maybe six years ago, a parishioner made an announcement, “Children’s Liturgy will be discontinued unless more volunteers step forward”. After Mass Cheryl and I volunteered.

It’s one more way to try to humbly serve. Sometimes, with our crazy schedules, it feels like the straw that could break the camel’s back. But we do it anyway. How can we not?

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This Is The Scariest Place jeff noel Gets To Speak


As an Orlando-based professional speaker, business travel is par for the course. But the toughest place for jeff noel to speak is at home, in front of friends and family.

After becoming a full-time professional speaker, jeff noel began donating his time to the Church. At the peak of the learning curve, investing eight hours for a 90-second speech. Funny how you can love something you never imagined doing. Blessed beyond measure.

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It Was Six Months Before God’s Plan Started To Take Shape For jeff noel


When I told the director how little I knew about public speaking, he said something unexpected and enlightening, “We don’t want you for your speaking credentials, we want you because of your in-depth operational knowledge of, and your from-the-heart passion for, our product”.

He said speaking techniques could be taught, and that what I had, couldn’t.

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