The goal of death is to welcome it and see it as a blessing

Steve Jobs quote on living and dying
The goal of death is to welcome it and see it as a blessing


It’s the great equalizer, isn’t it? Death. No amount of experience, wealth, status changes this. Ever.

The goal of death is to welcome it and see it as a blessing.

It’s one of the top three most magnificent days of our life.

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No Regrets If Today Is The Last

Our beloved Canine son, Carter, our 11-year old Yellow Lab, is very sick.

What started a few weeks ago, appearing to be the a routine distraction from food – a neighbor’s pet in heat – has manifested itself into complications we may not recover from. Cancer.

While our hearts are breaking, they are not completely shattered. Big difference.

We have no regrets with Carter. We have given and received all there is and was, to give and receive.

Peace and blessings. Faith, Hope and Love.

Life. Death.

Trust in the Lord with all our heart, all our mind, and all our strength.

And then cry like a baby, until we can no longer stay awake.