Fear Is A Liar

Fear Is A Liar

We admire legendary corporate cultures. Companies like Apple, Harley-Davidson, Southwest Airlines, and of course, Disney, come to mind immediately.

If we are honest with ourselves, would we say, deep down, we’ll never be as good?

i mean, seriously, how could we possibly create a business excellence assembly line that actually manifests itself as organizational vibrancy?

We can’t.

And we believe the script we tell ourselves.

What if i challenged you to .think .differently?

To imagine being able to draw up cultural blueprints; to architect a foundation that you can’t wait to show and tell others about.

This book illustrates the five foundational business excellence building blocks for world-class corporate culture.

It’s just a dream and a drawing, but guess what?

Now you have a drawing.

You never had a blueprint before.

You’re welcome.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Just Like Disney Institute But You Get Two Bonuses

Mountain wilderness

Just Like Disney Institute But You Get Two Bonuses

First, you get an owner. The owner.

Second, you get a 30-year Disney Cast Member who received both of Disney’s Lifetime Achievement Awards: Disney’s Partners In Excellence and The Walt Disney Legacy Award.

Partners In Excellence has three foundational pillars: Cast. Guest. Business.

The Walt Disney Legacy Award also has three pillars: Dream. Create. Inspire.

Bonus bonus: You also get Disney Institute’s highest rated, most requested speaker (1999-2014).

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

It’s Never Going To Feel Safe

It’s Never Going To Feel Safe

Let’s agree that risk implies an uncertain outcome – an uncertain future.

Easy, right?

The good news about organizational vibrancy risk when the future isn’t certain is that you know you are on to something special.

Listen to the sound of that again – you’re on the path to something special.

Of course, the other option is to stay on the beaten path, the tried and true.

You know what you’ll get.



Plain vanilla.




Now back to the uncertain path, the future, and the reality that your risk might not work.

This is the opposite of the tried and true formula which requires us to do today what we did yesterday and the day before that. And to repeat that tomorrow and the day after that.

Every day you embrace an uncertain future is a day of adventure.

Will you have the stamina, the courage, the creativity, the tenacity, and the desire to keep moving forward when the logical thing to do is to turn around and retreat?

Imagine answering, “Yes.”

Burn the ships, no?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

(Disney) CEO Law Of The Chain Reaction

(Disney) CEO Law Of The Chain Reaction

When our leaders are rated highest by our employees, our employees are rated highest by our customers.

When our customers say they will definitely return and definitely recommend, those areas have the highest profit results.

In summary, we found the highest employee-rated leaders also had the highest financial results.

Great leaders get great financial results.

Good leaders get good financial results.

The difference between good and great results is staggering.

Repeat visitation is the lifeblood of the business.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

What This Disney Business Excellence Book Is Not (Reprise)

What This Disney Business Excellence Book Is Not (Reprise)

This book tells you where to look but stops at actually telling you what to see.

This book tells you where to look but stops at actually doing any of the work. The work, all of it, is on you.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.