If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire

UPS delivery truck driver stepping off truck
So nervous and anxious – doubt and fear are flooding rational thought


UPS delivery truck driver stepping off truck
In the giving, we receive (profound metaphorical photo)


One man, professionally dressed, clean-shaven, etc.

If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.
– St Catherine of Siena

The other man, unshaven, cut-off jeans, no shirt.

Here’s to being the change.

Story continues at the…

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Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Google Books, Kindle, website, in person – go!

Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Google Books, Kindle, website, in person - go!
Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Google Books, Kindle, website, in person – go!


Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit is being delivered today. Ten copies. In a UPS box.

Open box, make sure everything is the way it should be. Then email Xulon Press with a message to proceed with the print order. This will also green light Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Google Books, and format for Kindle.

Await copies (before Thanksgiving?).

Another typical day in America, a place where anyone can be anything.

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Praying for wisdom on an obscure thing

Mid Life Celebration Amazon book page
Screen shot October 20, 2013 (we are still in the final arrangements stage)


What are some of the most obscure things we might pray for? You know, things far, far off the generally accepted and most popular lists – healing, love, comfort, compassion, forgiveness and so on.

What about obscure things? Topics or subjects unknown to most?

Praying for something obscure? Yes. Praying for wisdom with book pricing on Amazon.

Bear with me. So much going on (for so long) on the back end that no one can prepare an entrepreneurial author and speaker for.

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Was the 34-year wait worth it?

Lahti, Finland streets at dawn
It has been a long, quiet and often lonely journey


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing the catalyst for personal responsibility transformation to the production phase.

Was the 34-year wait worth it?

In many ways Father, this is Your will, not mine.

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