Really need to start using this. Haven’t even attempted to, so far. Selfies and personal videos are often perceived as narcissistic, and for a business owner, selfies and videos are key to marketing.
There’s a chance that the greatest, most useful, and most scalable prayers have no words.
Note: A keynote speaker is constantly challenged to balance being “the most subject-matter knowledgable” in the room and being humble.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
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While i was giving the Creating Magic Keynote, Fortune was releasing their 2016 Most Admired Companies list.
It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the hard work that makes it Magic. The company i spoke to is focused on stewardship. Began the leadership keynote with a powerful thought by publicly acknowledging that all 350 people in the room are in one of three revolving and unpredictable places in life:
Currently going through a hell no one knows about
Just coming out of a hell no one knew about
About to go into a hell no one will know about
i told them it was because they needed to know i’m grounded in reality, in spite of the overwhelmingly high standards i was about to share.
PS. yesterday, February 19, 2016, Fortune named Disney #5, up one from #6 last year.
On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.
This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.
From lemons, lemonade. Photo: Trip to Tehachapi, CA.
Our job is not to try to be a likable Christian (or whatever your belief centers on). Our job is to become so authentic that our light, our spirit, our goodness, our joy, our hope, our faith, and foremost, our love, becomes humbly, yet unquenchably, attractive to the doubter.
The first doubter is ourself, by the way. And because it’s so insidiously common to overlook, i’m reminding you (and me) now.
Finland hotel room 2009. Each morning began with knees on the hardwood floor.
A little known secret no one cares about except one person.
When i launched the self-imposed 100-day writer’s boot camp challenge – to write five daily, differently-themed blog posts – another, much softer and invisible challenge was also launched.
To begin each morning on bended knees, in prayer.
The difference between surviving and thriving is the investment we are willing to commit to.