My wish for your spirit

Large plaque honoring college professor
Noteworthy professor, 1888 – 1930. Forty-two years old. Can you imagine?

Whatever you believe in, believe in it 100%.

Your beliefs should serve you in the pursuit of peace and contentment.

Be at peace with who you are.

Be content with what you have.

Of course, faith, hope, and love are foundational.

Remember this transformational list:

  1. Gratitude
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Surrender
  4. Patience

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Your habits mushroom

Giant wild mushrooms
Hotel room key for size context. Some of the biggest wild mushrooms i’ve ever seen.
Spent a few minutes enjoying this delightful surprise.

Like a mushroom cloud from a massive explosion, our lifetime habits create the same visual.

Imagine watching a time lapse of your life.

First your body.

Next, your finances.

Third, your face.

No one says this is fair, normal, avoidable.

Yet bottomline, a time-lapse photo will rapidly show how our lifetime habits stunt or enhance our habits’ harvest.

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He’s coming home tonight

Water is too cold for my blood. It may be okay for his new-found northern blood.

Our college freshman son is coming home tonight.

Today is, indeed, Thanksgiving Day.

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Women’s Ivy League

Wow, stumbled upon this photo while searching for an “undaunted” photo. Focus on approach mindset and abandon avoidance mindset.

The seven sisters at one time were seven prestigious Women’s colleges, the female equivalent of the ivy league. Five of those colleges remain all woman schools in 2020.

Goucher College used to be an all woman’s college and was considered the eighth sister, just missing the proverbial cut.

Having visited Goucher college many times, it is inspiring to connect the dots to the feeling you get walking the campus to the original DNA.

That the original 1885 founding DNA still thrives is beautiful to behold and connect with, even though Goucher became coed in 1986.

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Confront and experience

These hikers were present and mindful enough to recognize a dangerously lose rock and move it to a stable position. They confronted danger for someone else and experienced the peace in knowing they did what they could.

A wonderful conversation yesterday with a college freshman.

Asked, “How is college?”

A delightful reply, “When bad things happen, I’m able to confront them. When good things happen, I am able to experience them.”

Profoundly simple and simply profound.

As an adult community, we should all be so equipped, mindful, and present.

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