Liar, liar pants on fire?

iPhone screen with apps


(photo: 3rd home screen has less apps buttons… the 4th & 5th have way less)

Lots of Facebook posts talk about what other people think. And many of these posts have a repetitive theme – what those people say isn’t important.

It seems insecurity is rampant, and insecure people keep talking about how they no longer care about what others think.


Sounds like they still do.

Think about it.

PS. Some people still waffle in and out of insecurity, even a year after their first book was published.

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No, you change first

American Flag blowing prodding in a strong wind


(photo: It’s the American way isn’t it? Freedom, justice, as well as excuses and codependence.)

Nothing changes until we change.

And many of us will not change because we want someone else to go first.

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Personal growth even on the smallest levels

Contemporary Resort and Bay Lake Towers


(photo: heading East near the south end of Main Street USA)

When we are no longer willing to wait for tomorrow to fulfill our goals, dreams, ideas, and activities we open ourselves to a renewed sense of wonder, anticipation, adventure, and fun.

Not to mention growth.

Even on the smallest levels.

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