Why Become A Prolific Blogger?

At the end of the day, we’re all simply doing the basics, trying to be a good parent, spouse, partner…

From personal experience, I don’t believe people set out to become prolific bloggers or anything else that’s prolific, famous or extraordinary.

Not at first. Michael Phelps, the world’s fastest swimmer, probably started swimming simply because he enjoyed it, and then discovered he was good at it.

Does a Pope set His sights on becoming the Pope?

We all discover things we like to do and the more we do them, the better we get. But who could have ever predicted nearly 4,000 blog posts in just two years?

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What would you do if you knew it was impossible to fail?

What are you willing to do knowing that failure is always possible?

Praying for success is only part of our need. Working hard and having faith and purpose – these are the secret ingredients to dream fulfillment.

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