Happy Mother’s Day!
Our Mother’s Day started at Church.
Today’s sermon was about an unbelievable sinner who became an unbelievable saint.
Saint Paul.
The Deacon prepared such an incredible message from the first reading, instead of the standard Gospel reading interpretation.
Afterwards, I asked him if I could please get a copy, and he gave me his original. Gracious indeed.
I plan to re-read it this week. There were some key messages. Simple too.
Make it a great Sunday, even if your Family struggles sometimes (or often) with the distance between you – physical and or emotional.
I say that because I was reminded today how much room I have to grow in some of my Family relationships.
It certainly is a two way street, so I am not feeling complete guilt. It takes two to make a relationship work.
Perhaps I can become an incredible saint, even though I often feel like an incredible sinner with some of my Family. Mostly in what I fail to do, like communicate. Ya with me?
Anyway, I better sign off for now. Peace and blessings, jeff