Decent questions

two people at a mountain fire-tower
First visit to Huckleberry Fire Tower.
First time view from Huckleberry fire-tower.

Unanswered questions? Why?


Questions open doors that eternally remained locked without questions:

  1. Would you rather be a boss or an employee?
  2. Would you rather be an owner or a boss?
  3. What’s the most helpful rule for our family?
  4. If you could live anywhere, what country would you choose? What city? What part of that city? Why?
  5. Describe yourself in five words.
  6. Describe yourself in two words.
  7. If we lost everything, but you could save three things, what would you save?
  8. What are three things that make you happy?
  9. What are you grateful for?
  10. What’s one thing you would change in the world?
  11. What scares you the most? Why?
  12. Do you have any bad habits that you wish you could break? Why?
  13. Do you have any good habits you wish everyone had? Why?
  14. If you could buy any gift in the world for me, what would you buy? Why?
  15. If we lost everything we owned today, who would you be?
  16. If we lost everything we owned today, what would you hope for?
  17. Tell me three things that make you happy. (Why?)
  18. Tell me three things that make you unhappy (And, 3 things that make you confused, inspired, feel valued, laugh, etc).
  19. How would you explain the word “love” to someone, without using the word love?
  20. Would you rather teach or learn? Why?

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Your emotions map

Mountain lake beach
One of my favorite beaches. Best stone skipping beach in the world.
Pile of small flat stones
Perhaps millions of small flat stones on a 400-meter-long beach.
mountain lake
Most of today’s photos are from Cheryl.
11-second video: A nice day for skipping stones. Not a bad location either.

Your emotions are your map. Your actions are your legacy.


Feeling without growing is an incomplete way to live.

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Balance life’s spiritual books

Cracked pipe lid
A weird break. Roughly 12 years old.
Cracked pipe lid
Josiah has one replacement cap in stock.
10-second video: Literally a miracle that i discovered the issue.
5-second video: This put my airport departure back an hour.

You are free to stress or surrender.


Habits are what we think and do without thinking.

Balancing stress against surrender should be overwhelming, 0% vs 100%.

In my life i have harbored stress and anxiety from unspoken expectations.

In my life i have surrendered to expectations being a shared adult responsibility.

i’ve spent several decades discerning what i can control and what i can’t.

Living in peace with my growth and matured beliefs.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

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Flying friendly skies

Flight map
The coordination to make this week happen is extraordinary.
Animation advertisement
Bluey will make his Goucher debut soon.

i love being at peace putting my wife and son first.


First third of my life focused on me growing and having fun. Mostly a self-centered life. Most teens and college students are naturals at this.

The second third-and-a-half (40 years+-), entirely focused on career and serving others. Habitual, lifetime sacrifices because of Disney’s “We work while others play.”

Cheryl and i committed ourselves to subscribing to this philosophy.

It’s the Disney Way!

Now, in the small fraction of my life, since Covid and as a college student’s parent, life has transformed.

Subscribed to doing whatever i want, whenever i want.

Radically different life filters now.

This change is a confluence of events.

A ticking clock and a desire to “balance my books”.

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Feed what needs feeding

Homemade pizza
Last night. Feeding our bodies.

In my giving, i receive. Same with you.


Feeding my soul emanates from serving.

Feeding my body emanates from our kitchen.

Daily writing has honed my desire, and ability, to feed my mind, body, spirit, work, and home.

In the 15 years of daily giving (writing) of my (precious) time, i receive.

Do the reps is ringing in my ears and heart right now.

Peace be with you.

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