Unanswered questions? Why?
Questions open doors that eternally remained locked without questions:
- Would you rather be a boss or an employee?
- Would you rather be an owner or a boss?
- What’s the most helpful rule for our family?
- If you could live anywhere, what country would you choose? What city? What part of that city? Why?
- Describe yourself in five words.
- Describe yourself in two words.
- If we lost everything, but you could save three things, what would you save?
- What are three things that make you happy?
- What are you grateful for?
- What’s one thing you would change in the world?
- What scares you the most? Why?
- Do you have any bad habits that you wish you could break? Why?
- Do you have any good habits you wish everyone had? Why?
- If you could buy any gift in the world for me, what would you buy? Why?
- If we lost everything we owned today, who would you be?
- If we lost everything we owned today, what would you hope for?
- Tell me three things that make you happy. (Why?)
- Tell me three things that make you unhappy (And, 3 things that make you confused, inspired, feel valued, laugh, etc).
- How would you explain the word “love” to someone, without using the word love?
- Would you rather teach or learn? Why?
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