Decent questions

two people at a mountain fire-tower
First visit to Huckleberry Fire Tower.
First time view from Huckleberry fire-tower.

Unanswered questions? Why?


Questions open doors that eternally remained locked without questions:

  1. Would you rather be a boss or an employee?
  2. Would you rather be an owner or a boss?
  3. What’s the most helpful rule for our family?
  4. If you could live anywhere, what country would you choose? What city? What part of that city? Why?
  5. Describe yourself in five words.
  6. Describe yourself in two words.
  7. If we lost everything, but you could save three things, what would you save?
  8. What are three things that make you happy?
  9. What are you grateful for?
  10. What’s one thing you would change in the world?
  11. What scares you the most? Why?
  12. Do you have any bad habits that you wish you could break? Why?
  13. Do you have any good habits you wish everyone had? Why?
  14. If you could buy any gift in the world for me, what would you buy? Why?
  15. If we lost everything we owned today, who would you be?
  16. If we lost everything we owned today, what would you hope for?
  17. Tell me three things that make you happy. (Why?)
  18. Tell me three things that make you unhappy (And, 3 things that make you confused, inspired, feel valued, laugh, etc).
  19. How would you explain the word “love” to someone, without using the word love?
  20. Would you rather teach or learn? Why?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Do you really?

Antisemitism website
Photo: A social media image yesterday. Most humans love the concept of love. Those same humans hate the concept of hate. And the terms hypocrite and blind-spot might be synonymous.

Do you love ‘love’ with the same passion and commitment you hate ‘hate’?


Earlier this year had the opportunity to spend 1.5 days with someone at “work”.

We were together 40% of the time.

He said “Jesus Christ” twice. He said it in the same context someone uses for traditional American profanity: exasperation, frustration, contempt, etc.

He also said it in the same reactionary way most people use profanity: unplanned, contemptuously, indiscriminately, non-empathetically (apathetically).

He’s Jewish and has deep family history traced back to the holocaust. Four generations. His family’s story made me teary-eyed.

i shared how much i hate ‘hate’ and told the thesis of the movie Green Mile’s supporting-lead character. Not Tom Hanks, but the jailed black man with a special gift.

My teary eyes, i explained, were from my earnest attempt to suck the negativity, the fear, the oppressor’s hate, the pain, from his soul.

In no way is there an implication, then or now, that i could replicate the Green Mile’s jailed character’s insanely unique gift to rid a cancerous person of their cancer.

But you know i’ve always said, don’t let what you can’t do stop you from what you can.

It was seeing the photo (above) that inspired this post.

While i am not looking forward to it happening again, the pattern is foundational (in my opinion) so i do expect it to happen again.

Praying for wisdom to confront it in the most loving, Green Mile fashion.

Wish me luck, divine wisdom and divine guidance.

Note: In 30+ years at Disney, never used a single curse word.

Bonus note: However, i know how to swear. Was once a High-Schooler in a locker room five days a week.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

All ears to hear the news

Small world kangaroo art
Photo from Cheryl yesterday. ”It’s a Small World After All”. Those aren’t ’Mouse Ears’, they’re “Koala Ears”.
Koala bear
Fuzzy ears. Sleepy eyes. Photo from my iPhone 2024.
17-second video: A return trip to Australia Zoo garnered a ‘Koala experience’. Koala ears seem much bigger, but just as fuzzy, from the backside.

.think .differently

  1. Who was your worst leader and why?
  2. Describe your fav leadership role. Why?
  3. Describe your least fav leadership role. Why?
  4. How did your pet get its name?
  5. Watch Miracle ‘Board Room’ clip

Note: This post’s title (All ears to hear the news) is inspired by today’s one-week post cataract surgery followup exam. i’m ‘All ears to hear the news’ about the continued improvement and (anticipated) reduced physical limitations.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Impatience watcher

Walt Disney World, Disney University class of 1988 traditions instructors
Literally the highest hourly Cast Member honor, Disney Traditions Instructor. Here’s the class of 1988. Yours truly back row far left.

Impatient with your progress?

Impatient with traffic?

Impatient with novices?

Impatient with results?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Ask like you mean it

Goofy on a Disney email
Garsh, if you can’t articulate your clear, concise, compelling vision, who in God’s name can?

You must lead the asking of dozens of great questions.

Nursing questions are a dime a dozen. Here’s a nickel’s worth;

  1. Why do nurses exist?
  2. Why do families need nurses?
  3. What would families do without nurses?
  4. What would doctors do without nurses?
  5. What would communities do without nurses?
  6. What makes a perfect nurse?

Why is there a profound nursing shortage?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.