Miracles happen all around us.
Tragedy happens all around us.
We have to decide where we’ll focus our attention.
(the 4th of my 5 daily blogs, click here)
Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Miracles happen all around us.
Tragedy happens all around us.
We have to decide where we’ll focus our attention.
(the 4th of my 5 daily blogs, click here)
Advent begins today. Click here if you’d like a refresher on Advent.
Advent, preparing for the coming of the Christ Child.
Is there anything more exciting, more joyful, than the anticipation of the coming of a savior?
Seriously. Anything?
I think not. At least not in my tiny brain.
This year, a promise was made to be more prepared than ever before. To:
But that’s just me. What and or how are you preparing?