Using this photo signifies the photo upload issue continues. Made it through today’s first two posts without any issues.
Our home was designed and built with two small steps down to a 10′ x 10′ concrete pad for a back porch. No roof. No money for more than this. i used irrigation pipes to “draw” our expansion plans.
We added a 44′ x 30′ concrete pad in 2000, eight years after our home was built…15′ roof covered and another 15′ screened in.
This photo is an experiment to see if it would work and it did so i’m leaving it. All of this started with a cartoon Mouse in 1928.
Humble beginnings is a common Family story.
Today is the third Sunday of Lent.
Jesus’s story is bathed in humility.
From being born in a stable…to the Savior of the World?
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Someone has to be last. It’s a fact of life. Period.
My wife’s maiden name is Zubek. Guess where she stood when the teacher said, “Okay children, line up in alphabetical order“.
Same with the school bus, the US Postal service mail delivery, the food line at the homeless shelter. Someone has to be last.
Same with jeff – this blog is last in number of visitors. But God wastes nothing. Perhaps this humble, lowly, “last” blog will one day be the first blog.
In your busy day, you may find this hard to understand and you may not care. But within this one post (and this blog overall), there may be a nugget of insight that you’ve been searching for. It’s waiting for you, if you don’t mind being last.