Disney Cast Member name tag from 1990 and some Cast exclusive WDW anniversary pins from 1990 and beyond.
Why Jesus is my best friend…
If you can imagine a hopeless situation, you’ll see this clearly…
Remember three weeks after i got my driver’s license in 1975? i lost control of our humongous family station wagon on a two-lane country road on a trick-or-treat night.
Looking up and seeing oncoming headlights directly in front of me because i had drifted into the wrong lane (because i was distracted by my two high school classmates riding with me) caused me to panic, overreact with the power-steering, run off the road, hit a culvert – simultaneously hitting the gas instead of the brake – and came to a smashing halt after plowing into a farmhouse porch and front wall. A family sat on the other side eating dinner. Can you imagine their disbelief with the impact’s noise and damage?
Can you imagine if i had hit and killed not one, but multiple trick-or-treaters?
And what if i hadn’t had time to swerve out of the way and caused a head-on collision? Would there have been fatalities, including my own?
What if i didn’t die, but others did. How would i ever reconcile my life?
How would i ever shed the guilt and personal torture?
Only Jesus.
And that is why Jesus should be your best friend.
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At 8:45AM Mass yesterday, Chapin and i sat a few rows back from the front and center. We normally sit in the last row, far left.
Five minutes before Mass began, the lights dimmed with no announcement and a five-minute Marriage video began playing on the large wall.
The church marriage video only captured same-sex marriages.
Afterward, i leaned over and whispered to Chapin, “There were only same-sex couples.”
Can you imagine Jesus telling two people (of any combination) who love each other they shouldn’t spend their lives together in an official (commitment) union?
Can you?
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Obviously spending 7 minutes to watch a video is well beyond anyone’s bandwidth. Yet it could be the only time you spend in spiritual retrospection today (or this week).
What a beautiful, wonderful name.
PS. As of Summer 2018, this video has 174,000,000+ views.
PSS. In the 60 days since i wrote this, it’s been viewed an additional 32-million times…206,000,000 views.
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