Aha moment just now…

Team Disney
Beautiful morning for a 10-miler.


Disney Keynote Speakers


Disney Keynote Speakers


Reading the daily email subscription highlighting things Jesus said with a modern day explanation to dissect Jesus’s wisdom, i just had this aha moment.

When we sacrifice what we gain is awareness.

Awareness is key.

The simple awareness – similar to hunger pangs when we haven’t eaten – reminds us of the gifts we have.

i’m grateful for the hunger for something more satisfying than temporary relief.

PS. Ultimately though, Jesus doesn’t desire sacrifice, He desires Mercy.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.


Where is the face of Jesus in the real world?

John Deere zero turn riding mower
When this 15-year old looks for the face of Jesus, let him see it across the dinner table.


Dear Heavenly Father, make me an instrument of your Divine Love.

Bless me with your wisdom and guidance.

Keep me humble and hungry.

Day after day after day, please.

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Being a zealot is sometimes the only way to make the point

Apple Music Rolling Stones screen shot
Yesterday, used Apple Music on a 10-mile run. (Jesus ‘Let it bleed” – the secret is love)


For the past 2,015 years, much has been accomplished since the birth of one man.

You know, for Jesus to finally make his point, he needed to be nailed to a tree.

That was like 2048 (2015 minus 33) years ago.

  • Consistency.
  • Time

And the secret sauce, love.

Let It Bleed (photo above) takes on a new meaning.

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Jesus was an actor

Disney Keynote Speakers
jeff noel is not an entertainer, but he is entertaining.


Jesus was an actor.

Jesus wasn’t an actor.


Next Blog

PS. We don’t have to be an actor to know that everyone is watching us and judging us, just like we do with everyone else.