There’s no way to prove it, yet the odds are decent this was John W Jolin. The odds are much higher than the odds of winning the lottery, or living to the age of 100. Honestly, it’s most likely only a coincidence.
Most people are public about their actions on LinkedIn, even if they haven’t uploaded a profile photo.
Can we behave in public the same way we behave in private?
Live your life so that if anyone ever says anything bad about you, no one will believe it.
This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.
Two days ago at Tibet Butler Preserve. iPhone cameras are good, but not great.
The things we can be grateful for often come from unexpected sources and sort of blindside us at first.
The marketing person’s email review and ‘bold’ website critique yesterday was exceptionally helpful.
It was a nice prompt to rewrite a few things at
That rewrite inspired the same at the other four blogs.
What was awkward was the timing. Her helpful critique was the result of her ‘fishing for business’. Betting she thought i wouldn’t notice her ulterior motive. No harm no foul, business is business – unless the customer (me in this case) reads right through it.