Patience and creativity are spiritual gifts

Steve Jobs unveiling iPhone in 2007
There are multiple breakthroughs in a first-time parent’s journey. Photo: screen capture of Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone in 2007.


Dear Lord, thank you for patience and creativity.

It sometimes takes several hours to get things back on track when our peaceful center has been turned upside down.

There is an art to parenting.

I’m in art school, and it feels like freshman year. Awkward sometimes.

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Strength can be invisible

Window seat on Delta Airlines


Ear plug made out of gum


(photos: Strength can be invisible, like quietly putting chewing gum in your ear)

Love Delta Airlines? Yes!!

Love the unusually loud and high pitched sound inflight from MSP to PDX for three hours yesterday? No.

Tried many things, unsuccessfully.

Then the lightbulb moment.

Chewing gum.

Had to chew a second round for the other ear.

No one knew.

The ease in which bad mouthing the airline could have spewed forth was staggering.

But it didn’t. Not even for a second.

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So thankful to have snapped

Severe weather related delays during August travel


(photo: severe weather related days are tough on passengers… even tougher on the airline industry employees)

So thankful to have snapped. You know, lost patience, got overly excited, and said regretful stuff to strangers.

First class bulk head seat. Had to stow roller bag and backpack in overhead compartment. Protocol is to place smaller bag under the seat in front of you. Not an option in bulk head. She commented sarcastically to her companion about ‘some people are taking all the space’. Guess who snapped back?

Later, boarding a departing Denver flight with 30-minute connection in Atlanta. Created a plan and a Delta employee gave permission to do it. Later a second employee was advised (simply as a courtesy) and she said, ‘Oh no, that’s not gonna happen’, you need to blah, blah, blah…’. Snapped again.

Apologized moments after the first snap.

Never got to on the second one. Forgave us both for our behaviors.

Thankful to see there is still progress to be made to get to 100%.

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