The two best Christmas gifts will cost everything

Disney Leadership Speakers


(photo: Kate Spade store Mall at Millenia, Orlando, Florida)

The devil takes many forms.

Procrastination is one of the devil’s favorites.

Distraction is another and so is medication.

Shopping, conforming, tradition, excuses, regrets.

Two amazing Christmas gifts we can give ourselves are second chances and permission.

Think about it.

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Suffering does not make us strong unless we give it permission

Sanibel Summer Sunset from Mitchell's Sand Castles


(photo: The first sunset of the annual Summer beach trip to Sanibel Island – our life will have a sunset too… will it be peaceful?)

Suffering does not make us weak unless we give it permission.

Suffering does not make us strong unless we give it permission.

Permission is only granted by one person.

One person only.

We know this.

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What would our lives look like if we stopped waiting?

Author book detail overview submission to publisher
Honestly, we set ourselves free when we rethink • reprioritize • recommit


November is the time on Facebook where folks post a daily thing they are thankful for.

So here’s a crazy thought.

What if we did it 365 days each year instead of 30?

And what if we didn’t need the world’s biggest natural disasters to compel us to pray and send donations?

What would our lives look like?

What are we waiting for? A time when our life is in order? Good luck with that.

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