A city. A super dome. A football team. A name. Of all the names, why the Saints? What is a Saint anyway?
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Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
A city. A super dome. A football team. A name. Of all the names, why the Saints? What is a Saint anyway?
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Sundays during the school year, our Church offers Children’s Liturgy of the Word for Kindergarten through fifth grade. Two or three adult leaders form a team and lead a particular week each month.
The volunteer leaders perform various functions to help bring Mass down to an Elementary level and to engage the children differently (better) than the adult Mass.
My wife, a good friend, and I, lead 50-100 children through Children’s Liturgy every the fourth Sunday.
This past Sunday, for a variety of reasons, my wife Cheryl led it solo. Sixty-five children in all. She said they were incredibly well behaved. If you’ve never done this, you’d be amazed at how challenging it is.
We began volunteering in this ministry several years ago after a parishioner made a plea for more volunteers or the program would end.
Funny how life puts things in your path. This experience has me delivering homilies (sermons). Who would have ever thought? Me? You’ve got to be kidding.