Because i walked to the gym while my car was being serviced, i noticed this.
Zooming out to add content.
My career has been spent serving others, like most people.
A decent percentage of the 14k blog posts (milestone reached Nov. 29, 2016) center on helping others and being of service.
Here’s the thing i struggle with.
i’m a facilitator, not a doer.
We have a saying at Disney, “Don’t do anything for the trainee that they can do themselves.”
i can’t compile your to do list, make recommendations for who to use, make the calls, and schedule your appointments.
Well, i could, but that’s not the highest and best use of my time.
You’re an adult.
i can’t go to the gym for you and do your workout.
You’re old enough and experienced enough to have systems and processes in place to manage (and anticipate) life’s stages.
Sure, it would be wonderful to step in and just do something for someone.
It would also be wonderful if every adult did the hard work to figure out what needs to be done and then do it.
Life is hard for everyone, even for those who might look like life isn’t hard.
This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.