Disney Dream Photos – Set 3 of 5

Celebrate Love any way you want…

With Family on special occasions…

Love is the spirit of…bonds…friendship…loyalty..

A common symbol of Love…

Love is what’s on the inside…

Love translates no matter your stature in society…

Even Disney cartoon characters…

jeffnoel.org blog is about our spirit, our emotions and the fundamental bond every “religion” shares…Love! For example:

It matters little to walk to do the preaching, if not our walking, is the preaching.

More Disney Dream Photos at Next Blog

Lost…Chapter 3 of 5

(Today, all 5 blogs are used to tell a story. At the end of this post is a link to the next “story chapter”. To visit all five 20-second chapters, click the bold word Blog at the end)

Finally, the Ship’s security measures were satisfied, and we still needed to determine if there would be time to do this…

There was so much going on….

But finally, the time had come for…

This is where it really gets interesting…and full of surprises...

The story, Chapter 4, continues at Next Blog

Learning While Traveling

They speak with an accent, but they don’t think with an accent…the music is different…

The main form of local transportation is different….

It even requires a license…

Not far from the tourism, the real world passes by…Island Time….

Sports are the same, as is the sense of community…

Worship revolves around the same thing….


It’s challenging to find time to nurture our spirit. Even more difficult when we are surrounded by unfamiliar food, places, music, and customs.

But the more things change, the more they stay the same.

We are reminded, if we try, that our differences are only in food, places, music and customs. The most important aspect of being human is the same the world over.

Next Blog

Love In The Library?

Went to the library yesterday. Six decades of love filled the bookshelves and covered the sunlit walls. Felt more love there than any other library I’ve been to.

It stems from an historic passion to learn that this small yellow building has cultivated for six decades, with an indefatigable spirit.

The world would be a better place if we could follow the example set by the founders and supporters since 1951.

Next Blog

Real Life In Real Time….

Disney Cruise Ships Dream

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad…but don’t forget your promises…to yourself, and to others. It’s not always easy when…

…you’re in the middle of real life in real time, and in a very different location.

I’ve never prayed in such a public place before. On my knees. Unashamed….

Next Blog