Prayer Requests Accepted Here

Does Your Workplace Feel Like A Zoo?
Does Your Workplace Feel Like A Zoo?

Today is particularly focused on all of you challenged at work. How many of you have an organizational culture that leaves you struggling to feel fully alive and thriving?

As a professional speaker and an avid blogger, I see and hear more than most. There is a universal epidemic inside virtually every organization. The epidemic has two symptoms: fear and uncertainty.

Courage and moral integrity are on the run.

Please pray for anyone struggling at work, for any reason, it doesn’t matter. And when I say pray, what’s really being suggested today, is that you pray so deliberately that it nearly brings you to tears.

Why? Because there are way too many who desperately need it.

Who’s In Charge?

Are You Looking At Me?
Are You Looking At Me?

Ever find yourself criticizing others? You know, the easy temptation to judge someone else’s habits, say a person who attends Church and publicly displays their Christianity or Spirituality?

We watch these “Christians” and score them based on what we see them do.

Do you ever wonder how many others are doing the same thing to you?

Ever wonder what score you are getting?

It’s easy to see the plank in another’s eye, but not see the one in ours.

Pray Without Ceasing

It Just Becomes Who You Are
It Just Becomes Who You Are

There are fewer sayings, when practiced, that will pay better dividends than the title of today’s blog post.

The catch is that we need to practice until it becomes such a habit that we don’t even know we are doing it, and we are actually doing it all day long.

All day. Every day!

There’s Got To Be More To Life

Patrick Henry Hughes & His Dad
Patrick Henry Hughes & His Dad

Patrick Henry Hughes was born without eyes, legs that don’t work and arms that barely work. Imagine his parents surprise and subsequent life challenges. Imagine Patrick’s life challenges.

Imagine your own.

Debbie, our dearly beloved colleague and friend, we miss you already and we don’t understand why you had to leave so soon.

I hope we all meet again on “the other side”. Offering this personal video I shot during Easter as a final tribute to your final destination, wherever that might be.

Death Is Part Of Life

Debbie Sent A Rainbow This Morning
Debbie Sent A Rainbow This Morning

Death is part of life. It just is. Death arrives all the time. Every day.

Some deaths are a blessing. Some are tragic and break our hearts – so much so that we wonder if our heart will ever heal.

Mostly, I think, it’s the senseless deaths and the sudden deaths that hurt the most and cut the deepest.

Like yesterday.

A Facebook update brought the news that a longtime colleague and friend died yesterday. Apparently, complications from a routine colonoscopy. Debbie was 43.

As I upload a You Tube video from the backseat of the car, in my son’s school parking lot, I’m reminded of how fragile life is, what a gift it is, and how our friends can touch us with the character of their lives.

I’ll post the video here later today probably. I shot it April 1 this year. It’s a Brooks & Dunn song, sung by a young man born with no eyes, and legs that don’t work.