Sunday mornings. A day of rest. Looks good on paper.
Two days ago (Sunday), I caught up to him while he was walking and I was finishing a long run. We both purposefully went out of our way to walk an extra 20 minutes, just so we could talk.
He told me he had just asked God for a sign, moments before I caught up to him. He thinks our walk was it.
The young girl, our neighbor, is going to be alright. The fractures and complications do not require surgery.
Thank you to everyone who found a moment(s) to pray. We ask that you continue to pray, for everyone. There is such a need for prayer. How about for world peace with the New York car bomb attempt? Or, for a way to stop the oil from spewing into the Gulf of Mexico?
Here’s Chris Tomlin’s song that inspired today’s post title. HIS glory is our refuge:
Ever have those routine moments when life is just kind of cruising along on auto-pilot? It happens most of the time, right? We go to work, come home, eat dinner, etc.
I was in Toronto and North Carolina all week, and extra-anxious to be home. And it was dusk as my son and I were pulling into our neighborhood.
A group of neighbors were gathered halfway down the entrance road. I rolled the window down, “Do you need any help?”. “She fell off the golf cart, we’re okay for now”, my neighbor said. The flashing lights pulling in behind us told me to keep moving.
Then last night, a neighbor says her skull is fractured in a couple places, with bleeding on her brain. She’s 12, I think.
Told you all of that to ask you this: Would you please consider lifting this young girl up in prayer? She and her Family needs the comfort and peace that only comes from a tribe of prayerful people.
PS. It would also help to pray for the boy that was driving the golf cart.
Being on the road for five days this week was rewarding and taxing. Unless you do this frequently, it may be challenging to understand, but I hope you do, because it’s the challenging part I want to relate to you.
We are all faced with daily challenges. One person’s small challenge is another’s big challenge.
This will seem small in comparison to life-threatening issues, but herein lies a secret.
Being crazy-busy does not give us an excuse to be unfaithful.
So in picking up our son, late yesterday, as we got in the car, it hit me. I had not been on my knees in prayer yet. Each morning, it’s the same:
Wake up
Kiss Cheryl and Chapin as they sleep
Kneel at the foot of the bed
Say the three most important prayers
“Do you mind if I do it now”, I asked him. “No, I don’t mind”, he said.
“Excuse me!”, he said, as I was leaving the US Air check-in counter at the Charlotte Airport a few minutes ago.
As he approached from the next counter over, pointing to the ground, “Are these your sunglasses?”
“YES!”, I exclaimed. “Thank you very much.”
Thinking my sincere replywas enough to express gratitude, I began walking away. Three steps into the departure I turned around, went back over to his counter and said, “You have no idea how important these inexpensive and scratched up sunglasses are to me.”