How To Tell If You’re Inspired

Funny how someone can come along and destroy the paradigm of what is possible?

Do you ever dream of doing that yourself?

“Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself.” — Winston Churchhill

And I’ll add, When you look in the mirror each morning for motivation, do you see a mountain or a molehill?

Forgiveness Defined

Can We Forgive Unconditionally?
Can We Forgive Unconditionally?

Revenge in not the answer, but it is often our first emotional response to tragedy and grief.

This article will challenge us to rethink where we stand. It will also provide helpful insight for the next time we face temptation to retaliate. And we most certainly will.

I’ll forgive you if you don’t read it. I won’t want to, but I will.

Fake Christians?

In God We Trust
In God We Trust

“One of the most dangerous things about the Christian faith is how easily it can be faked.” Steve Brown

While listening to the radio last night on “the Z”, Z88.3, I heard Steve Brown say those words.

In our hearts, we intend to be a great Christians.

But in our busy lives, our behavior makes it is easy to appear fake.

Bottom line: we must figure this out.
