
a teddy bear and a father at a canadian airport
Fond memories of seven trips in 2011


The work day begins early for many of us, usually between 5am and 6am here. When not traveling, I work remotely, meaning from home.

It was yesterday, January 24, 2013, 8:47am (yes, 100 days ago).

I was sitting at my desk… ding – you know the little sound our laptops make when a new email arrives.

It was the most horrible email ever.

And the world stopped turning.

What drives a person to take their own life?

An act of love? An act of hate? What?


Three blogs on balance so far, a quick jump over to our moneymaker (job), click here please.


Ever feel guilty going out to dinner?

Google map of directions from Palace Cafe to cafe Du Monde
Palace Cafe and Cafe Du Monde are two highly popular New Orleans restaurants


Sometimes we see images of third world children on the brink of death from starvation.

It really impacts us emotionally. Our heart breaks for them and we wish it wasn’t so.

And not long afterwards, we have absolutely no thought of that whatsoever.

But occasionally we do. It’s an uncomfortable feeling.

Three blogs on balance so far, a quick jump over to our moneymaker (job), click here please.


Can kindness scare us to death?

A box of Kellogg's Krave cereal serves as a metaphor
Do we crave kindness or commitment?


Do we crave kindness or commitment?

Being kind is relatively easy.

Kindness as a way of life is a full time job.

One in which the end is never in sight.

Our life changes when we embrace this and give thanks for the opportunity.

And then the reality of living up to this sort of scares us to death.

Three blogs on balance so far, a quick jump over to our moneymaker (job), click here please.


To what lengths and what depths will you go to leave a trail of love?

jeff noel's traveling teddy bear in the Mercedes Benz Super Dome
When does one stop loving?


To what lengths and what depths will you go to leave a trail of love? Some parents defy embarrassment, boredom and distractions to leave a legacy.

We can only hope we might fit that description.

Jack the Bear has been around the country and the world in the past 10 years.

Three blogs on balance so far, a quick jump over to our moneymaker (job), click here please.


Here’s the moment our life begins to change for the better

learn the right questions to ask
Be ready at any moment to ask great questions


Not until we ask the right questions does our life begin to blossom.

Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right. – Martin Luther King

Taking risks is risky.

So is playing it safe.

Are you satisfied?

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