Here’s the moment our life begins to change for the better

learn the right questions to ask
Be ready at any moment to ask great questions


Not until we ask the right questions does our life begin to blossom.

Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right. – Martin Luther King

Taking risks is risky.

So is playing it safe.

Are you satisfied?

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Alcohol made everyone amazingly brave, but not this…

DWI awareness sign
That’s okay, we’ll just stumble home


Mardi Gras 2013 began yesterday, and yours truly was there.

Teaching all day inside the Mercedes Benz Super Dome, dinner at The Palace Cafe on Canal Street, beignets for dessert at Cafe Du Monde while sitting on Jackson Square fence, watching Mardi Gras parade pass by.

Heading back to the Hyatt Regency New Orleans, for amusement, we walked a few blocks down Bourbon Street.

What started as a spontaneous moment to stop, step aside, and people watch for a moment morphed into a 30-minute sit-com.


Fascinating, it seemed we (most likely) were the only two sober folks in town.

Alcohol made everyone amazingly brave. But it didn’t make anybody an ounce stronger.

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Divine presence and the fiery passion of satan

New Orleans travel billboard
Halifax, Nova Scotia to Burbon Street $159?


New Orleans is a spirit filled city. Hard to explain what that feels like, but after three recent visits, it’s real.

What is glaring is how the spirits are at extreme ends – Divine presence and the fiery passion of satan.

It feels like a battle ground.

And in some strange way, almost feels like daily living.


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The price of unhappiness just went up for Baby Boomers

Iowa bridge in winter
material things no longer define us, right?


The price of unhappiness just went up for Baby Boomers. Unhappiness has become so expensive these days.

If time is money, and we’re in the shorter half of our lives, doesn’t it make sense that unhappiness is now out of our price range? Who’s got time to be miserable?

Don’t know about you, but theoretically, we’re supposed to be smarter at this age. Spending money time frivolously is immature.

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