Like the sensei said, we grab for what is there, but refuse to hold on

Like the sensei said, we grab for what is there, but refuse to hold on. We (you and I, the USA, the World) all want peace, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Why is it within our grasp, yet we won’t grab a hold?

Because we are heavily influenced by pleasure, power, abundance.

We take short cuts, we give people inappropriate breaks, we allow inexcusable exceptions, we get distracted, we put off until tomorrow what deep down we will never do.

And then we (mostly publicly) pretend to search our souls for answers.

I was a complete joke, and maybe still am. I confess here.


We grab for what is always there, but we always let go. Why? Sandy Hook

Why did Sandy Hook happen? My first thoughts. My second thoughts. Here are my third thoughts. I have yet to watch, listen, or read any Sandy Hook news. It’s been eight days since December 14, 2012. Here’s where I’m at:

The parents, relatives, friends, staff, neighbors – anyone who personally knew those 26 precious lives. What happened? Why?

And what did it do to us individually? As small town communities? As a nation? As a global family?

And what will become, if anything, of this?

West Side Middle School. Thurston High School. Columbine. Oklahoma City bombing.

My friend’s teenage Son, while sitting on his back porch pulled a pistol’s trigger as it was pressed against his temple.

What? Why?

I can only do this in small chunks…. tomorrow… more…

This is the third daily blog I write out of five, the fourth is about our contribution we make, in exchange for survival on our planet – click here.

What are the biggest, nagging questions we’ve been carrying?

What are the biggest, most nagging questions we’ve been carrying most, if not all, of our lives? Twelve of those questions are here.

And tomorrow, I hope to revisit something that’s been troubling the world me – Sandy Hook, now that I’ve had eight days to think.

This is the third daily blog I write out of five, the fourth is about our contribution we make, in exchange for survival on our planet – click here.

(* wrote this Dec 22, 2012… Sandy Hook happened Dec 14, 2012)

Four things occupying space in my heart from Sandy Hook

two kids climbing on their Dad's legs
these children wouldn’t let their Dad alone as he was taking pictures of his Boy Scout son


Have purposely avoided all media exposure from this past week – since Sandy Hook Elementary School made world news. Why? Four reasons:

  1. I never (ever) want to know the name of the killer – it gains me us nothing
  2. The world is full of horrific, tragic events – every. single. day.
  3. Compassion fatigue from #2
  4. The worry that too soon, our Connecticut wakeup call simply becomes an annual day of remembrance

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this spiritual health blog to the money (career) blog, just click -> go to Next Blog