Why you should stop trying to get healthy

Young people will look at us as an example or a warning. An inspiration, or an excuse.

Obama Care protest

Why should you stop trying to get healthy? Because it doesn’t work. Think about it. Most people (maybe you, and for a long time, me) move in the direction of some plan (sunset), diet, program, gimmick.

Turn around (moonrise) and head the other way… towards purpose, focus, discipline… a different way of life.

Insight: Truly, this is your only hope. Gimmicks and short-term programs fail. Your hope is in making slow and steady changes that come from a sense of purpose.

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Is this seemingly insignificant act a sign of the harvest?

First day of school… August 20, 2012…

Montessori Libraries

At the end of the first day of 6th grade, a decade long tradition of a daily hug at pickup time was forgotten – by me. It had just started to lightly rain, so we rushed to the car. Backing out, my son said, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Insight: Be purposeful in creating simple, key, repeatable messages. They last a lifetime.

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