Remember, Only You Can Define What Great Is

So the man standing is not Rick Warren or Billy Graham

It was a beautiful Sunday evening as jeff noel watched with a humble heart two months ago on Clearwater Beach, Florida. The man standing preached the Gospel to a congregation of 13. Compared to Billy Graham, maybe not so great. Compared to no one else on the entire beach preaching the Gospel… great! Ya with me?

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Doing Something Great Can Be Defined Anyway You Want, It’s Up To You

Come as you are Church...on the beach...anytime, anywhere, really

What is it about Christmas that makes a Christian’s heart sing with Joy? What is it about midlife that stereotypically provides crisis? In both, there is anticipation. In dreaming of doing something great there can also be this paradoxical anticipation. We can hope or dread. Each of us has earned the right to be the judge of greatness. And we have earned the right to bring it. What we haven’t earned (yet) is the guts to commit. Go.

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Boomers, You May Say We Are Dreamers, But We Are Not The Only One (Generation)

Remember the guitar from yesterday's post?

Dear brother and sister Baby Boomers, we aren’t the only generation dreaming big dreams and facing insurmountable obstacles. And we’re not the only generation to question everything. But the timing of our retirement and pervasive emptiness may position us as the best generation to lead a desperately needed health and wellness revival.

Are we Boomers dreaming bigger, reaching higher, caring more and working harder than we’ve ever done? I feel like I am.

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The Anticipation, The Story, The Joy…Let Us Rejoice

Rejoice, sing Hallelujah!

It hardly seems possible that we Baby Boomers could have such a gloriously exciting month ahead of us, in the midst of these brutal economic times. There’s always the option of celebrating Christmas daily, but few of us know how. Meanwhile, we can carve out this December as perhaps the greatest December ever. What’s stopping us? Rejoice? Or, rejoice!

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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. Do What You Fear & The Death Of That Fear Is Certain

Two Dads About The Same Age

In yesterday’s post, we saw Father and Son disappear around the corner, never to be seen again. Except for one small detail. jeff noel pushed his fear aside and running, caught up with them simply to say thanks for their inspirational presentation, and ask for a picture together (to share with his son).

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