Ask, “Do I have the courage to say what needs to be said, when it needs to be said, whether people want to hear it or not?”
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Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Ask, “Do I have the courage to say what needs to be said, when it needs to be said, whether people want to hear it or not?”
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This morning’s reading is challenging. And there will be roughly 1,000 people listening and watching. Going through the motions would be easy. It’s only 40 seconds worth of reading.
Do these 40 seconds stand a chance against everything else each parishioner has coming at them this week?
Read like you mean it.
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In 40+ volunteer opportunities since 1999, we’ve never seen a ghost town turnout. It was eerie.
We saw four staff. We were the only car in line.
Normally dozens of cars and dozens of staff.
The staff filled our van with food boxes and off we went. The question came up, “Do we go back and do more?”
We did what we could do, which may not seem like a lot. And because it might not seem like a lot, there is always the temptation to not even bother in the first place.
Don’t let what we can’t do stop us from what we can.
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A tree does not grow overnight, but it does grow. Patience is key. And judgement has no place here.
Tomorrow, April 6, 2015 is Easter.
Yesterday was Good Friday.
And the predictable phenomenon of the flood of Facebook sentiments.
Church parking lots will no doubt overflow tomorrow.
It’d be great if this was sustainable the other 50 weeks (same thing happens at Christmas) of the year.
Until then, hurry up and don’t wait.
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Non-Christians expecting Christians to be perfect is ludicrous. To label Christians in negative stereotypes is to commit the same unhealthy crime as the accuser.
A glaring blind spot, but not many see it.
Martin Luther King is famous for his non-violent protests.
Violence also subversively comes in the form of bullying through words, ideology and social media updates.
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