Married 1983. Honeymoon bicycle trip 1984, ferry-hopping the San Juan Islands in Puget Sound. Cheryl is eating lunch from the back of the ferry. So lucky to have Cheryl on this journey. Insanely lucky.
Sixty feels great.
Not gonna lie.
i do not feel old.
Back to how many reputations do we have? We have one with every person who knows us. Same with them. Same with you.
My wife and son think i’m fit for 60, physically and spiritually. And also mentally, at work, and at home.
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Last night in a parking lot after driving to Wells Fargo to deposit a check…What Would Jeff Do?
Wells Fargo got caught doing some egregious things on a massive scale.
Wells Fargo is our bank by default.
When we moved to Florida in 1984 we opened an account with Coral Gables Federal, which later became First Union, which became Wachovia, which became Wells Fargo.
A run of 34 years of never switching our finances to someone else. All change was done to us, not by us.
On the phone with the branch manager yesterday, once again discussing Wels Fargo’s inability to allow me to use their mobile banking app to deposit a business payment check.
Their daily (and monthly) business deposit amount limit is one-size fits all.
After 34 years, we receive the same treatment as a day-one customer.
The “spiritual” opportunity from this below-average customer service process is this:
While i was initially bent out of shape by this, i no longer am.
To have a check too large is a blessing beyond measure.
It has been fun to see my transformation.
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When the High School Principal’s message arrived, the High Schooler was upset for being accused wrongly.
And so it goes.
Some parents remained relaxed and defaulted to, “It’s probably a mistake.”
In the same way we’d want to be given the benefit of the doubt, it would be wise to also extend it as a first choice response.
This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.
On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.