Silo Full Of Karma

Silos and Barns Go Together
Silos and Barns Go Together, And Both Are Big

Her job is going away next month. She is worried about her future. She’s young, ambitious, hardworking, professional – a great employee.

But times are tough.

I offered a silo full of good karma, to help her have hope things will work out.

The same offer is extended to all of you too. Peace be with you today.

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Got SEO for Mid Life Celebration?

Got SEO?
Got SEO?

A reader recently sent an email about finding my blogs through a Search Engine (probably Google or Yahoo). She said some nice things about the blogs and shared her blog, and some other writing she’s done. She’s an author who’s self-published her first book!

Isn’t it amazing how the Internet connects people?

A Walk Around The World?

One Of Many Searching For A Cure
One Of Many Searching For A Cure

Colin Skinner is a man I had never heard of until a few weeks ago. Have you heard of him? He’s walking around the world.

And so it goes. Thousands and thousands of people, doing good work, for good reasons.

Mostly unrecognizable names, like Dr. Stephan R. Targan MD.

Are you one of them? Tell us your story.

This inspires me to do what I can.

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The Car In Front Of Me (Nov. 5, 2010)
The Car In Front Of Me (Nov. 5, 2010)


Ever spot a unique license plate on a nearby car and wonder what it means?

Driving to the Doctor on Friday to check on a leg injury, a license plate caught my eye.

Carpe diem!

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