What is your life’s purpose?

a good face, but not the face I'm aiming for

What is your life’s purpose? How was it revealed to you? How has it changed your life? Okay, I’ll go first:

Purpose: When our son goes looking for the face of Jesus in the real world, I don’t want him to have to look any father than across the dinner table.

How was it revealed: Through writing and journaling I was able to realize that life’s biggest goal is to show the way.

How this has changed my life: A clear, concise, and compelling purpose is the great filter for all my behaviors.

Your turn.

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ReThink your life?

ReThink is not on this list...but it is deeply and broadly implied.

ReThink your life? We all do it don’t we? Maybe it’s a TV commercial, a magazine ad, a passerby. Or maybe it’s discontent, regret, or even hope or faith. Whatever it is, we can consider it a divine gift…as the caterpillar in yesterday’s photo can attest to.

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