We all make them. We all are “victims” of them. We can never escape that reality that we’ll continue to make more.
Maybe all we can hope for is two simple things.
1. To try to make fewer mistakes as we grow.
2. To forgive ourselves (and others) when a mistake happens.
Case in point, five minutes ago, at 6:47AM, I realized I’ve been working since 5:00Am, and forgot to kneel and pray after waking. Remember the post a few days ago where I challenged myself to start every day on my knees?
Anyway, I forgot this morning. So I simply forgave myself, walked back to the bedroom, knelt and prayed.
Our dog followed me from our office to the bedroom. With my eyes closed, I could hear him enter. I extended my hand out.
I knew he would accept it and place his muzzle on my hand. Then he nestled right up next to me.
He’s so predictable. His love is an unconditional love. My goal in life is to become the kind of person he thinks I am.
Do you have a big goal? Hope so. Carpe diem, jeff noel