i thank God

5-second video: Nothing remarkable. Just an “i was here” vid.
Google maps screenshots
Upper left…arrived 953am for confirmed walk-in appointment.

One of the best things i stumbled into being great at is counting my blessings.


Counting your blessings is technically creativity.

You brainstorm all the ways your “unfortunate situation” could be worse.

Once you start listing a bunch of ways your situation could be worse, far worse even, you regain being present and slay panic.

Was hoping to be on a plane to Montana in six days.

What if the eye regression happened in Glacier?

What if i had to fly home immediately and try to secure emergency surgery?

What if emergency retina detachment repair surgery needed to happen Immediately in Montana? Without being able to fly for two months, how would i (and Cheryl) get home?

What would be the insurance ramifications for out of state and an out of network physician?

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.