Decent questions

two people at a mountain fire-tower
First visit to Huckleberry Fire Tower.
First time view from Huckleberry fire-tower.

Unanswered questions? Why?


Questions open doors that eternally remained locked without questions:

  1. Would you rather be a boss or an employee?
  2. Would you rather be an owner or a boss?
  3. What’s the most helpful rule for our family?
  4. If you could live anywhere, what country would you choose? What city? What part of that city? Why?
  5. Describe yourself in five words.
  6. Describe yourself in two words.
  7. If we lost everything, but you could save three things, what would you save?
  8. What are three things that make you happy?
  9. What are you grateful for?
  10. What’s one thing you would change in the world?
  11. What scares you the most? Why?
  12. Do you have any bad habits that you wish you could break? Why?
  13. Do you have any good habits you wish everyone had? Why?
  14. If you could buy any gift in the world for me, what would you buy? Why?
  15. If we lost everything we owned today, who would you be?
  16. If we lost everything we owned today, what would you hope for?
  17. Tell me three things that make you happy. (Why?)
  18. Tell me three things that make you unhappy (And, 3 things that make you confused, inspired, feel valued, laugh, etc).
  19. How would you explain the word “love” to someone, without using the word love?
  20. Would you rather teach or learn? Why?

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.