Back from Logan Pass, we regrouped and are driving to Browning. Drove up a local gravel road for the first time ever, providing this view. This is our favorite place to stay.
Most people haven’t published five differently-themed blogs a day, every day, for 14 years (and counting).
Most people with a blog (singular, of course) don’t remove the comment feature and social sharing.
Most people.
Most people don’t leave a trail for their children/family.
Most people do not think for themselves. Far too much FOMO. So most people are concerned about appearances.
There are exceptions.
Exceptions are rare.
Rare is 25,000+ blog posts by a single author.
The Guinness Book of World Records lists 17,212 blog posts as the official world record.
So let’s consider my sharing of private info an exception, and is acceptable — real life in real time as i’ve coined it (over a decade ago).
Here’s what crosses my mind occasionally…
What if GoDaddy committed a catastrophic error? Super unlikely. But there is no guarantee it can’t happen.
So when my anxiety surfaces from the culmination of multiple stressors, like the past two weeks…
Next blog is a GoDaddy update.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.