jeff noel, Orlando-Based Motivational Speaker Has To Figure It Out, Just Like You.
Doesn’t get any simpler, or more difficult, than that.
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Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
jeff noel, Orlando-Based Motivational Speaker Has To Figure It Out, Just Like You.
Doesn’t get any simpler, or more difficult, than that.
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We get so busy. Trying to squeeze too much into each day. I do it to a fault, rationalizing it’s midlife’s planting season. The responsibility to sow now to feed my family in the future.
Planting season is over. Time to get busy with some basics – faith, hope, love, family, friends, service. Just as soon as I get through this other list of things to do…
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Ever since jeff noel was a kid, the daisy has been his favorite flower. The daisy symbolizes simplicity and childhood innocence.
Contrast that with our daily search for work life balance: for enjoyment, pleasure, fun, relaxation on one hand, and for promotions, titles, advancement, degrees, money on the other.
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Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube, work email, personal email, travel, health, mortgages, school, parenting….
Relax, if you have FaithBook, your yoke will be easy.
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When I think of big crosses to bear, the thought of our military men and women…the thought of their parents receiving a call…the call the parents always worry about…the giant cross they bear.
And when I compare my good life, I feel ashamed sometimes.
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