Are you exceptionally comfortable building a fire?

cooking fire
Using what we found in our backyard, we built a great base.


cooking fire
After the initial large flare up, the fire will settle into embers and small flames.


cooking fire
Yesterday was the coolest Orlando day in seven months.


Are you exceptionally comfortable building a fire? We built a “cooking” fire last night in our backyard. Making a fire in a residential area is a piece of cake for me. Why? i’ve been making and using “campfires” for close to 50 years. It’s easy for me.

Then i got to thinking this morning. Are we exceptionally comfortable building a daily fire in our heart? A fire for loving a God we cannot see?




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

When do we stop discovering the basics?

Two Bald Eagles near Walt Disney World
Yesterday from the back porch, two American Bald Eagles.


Can we soar even though meek?

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Being gentle and patient is a wise investment, even if it doesn’t seem so.

Kinda like when we discover that in giving, we receive.

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Why The Spiritual Basics?

We can never get bored with the spiritual basics. Can we? What tempts us to get bored? Why do we think the basics ae relatively unimportant? Do we even think about such things?

Is it because they are too basic. Too elementary? Too simple? Is this why it’s not on our daily radar screen?


We can never get bored with the basics. Ever! What example do we set for the people following us – family, friends, colleagues and others we don’t even know about.

Tomorrow marks the seven month “anniversary” of starting every day on my knees. After 50 years on our planet, it occurred to me that starting each day on my knees was as basic as it gets. And yet, I had never done it. Why?