Great parents get this

Incredibles toy set
Every parent. Mr Incredible. Mrs Incredible. Sounds about right, right?

Great leaders never underestimate the power of being clear, concise, and compelling.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Always nurture hope

man standing in silhouette
You are the CEO of You, Inc. The spotlight is always on you to live with excellent habits.

Never know what might have been.

Never know how effective our impact could have been.

Never lived up to the hopes our leaders had for us.

Never lived up to the hopes you had for yourself.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

You won’t be one who never knows

Walt Disney Legacy award celebration
World-class organizations achieve, maintain, and consistently improve their cultural reputation. Many organizations, and teams, never know what this feels like.

The “what if” usually has an ending sounding like this, “I’ll never know?”

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.